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Spring 2025 Registration is currently OPEN - Click "Register Now" for details!

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Welcome to Viking Water Polo!

Water Polo is an exciting, fast-paced, physically-rewarding sport that is growing in popularity and is renowned for building a community of lasting friendships and team bonds. Our program is a great way for existing players and newcomers alike to build strength and endurance, improve their water polo skills, and develop teammate relationships.

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About Us

Welcome to the Vikings Water Polo team website. The Vikings Water Polo team was first formed in 2010 as a club sport at Lakeside High School. We operate within the Georgia Water Polo League, which supports many teams throughout Georgia. Water Polo is an emerging sport, which includes an All Girls team, co-ed teams, and developmental teams. 
Currently, we are accepting students in grades 6-12 to join our team from any school in the Lakeside Community Area. Students from private or public schools are encouraged to join. The Viking Water Polo teams are managed by a volunteer Booster Club.

Water Polo is a great complimentary and conditioning sport for swimming and the spring season is just in time for preparation for Summer League swimming. We are now inviting any student from all schools grades 6-12 to join our team. We have multiple teams of varying skill levels for boys and girls. We will offer a “try-out” period for students wanting to check out Water Polo the first week of practice. 

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